
Flag – Empty Frame 48x48in

Flag – Empty Frame 48in x 48in
Manufacturer: Matthews Studio Equipment
Product Overview:

The Matthews 4 x 4′ RoadFlags Kit is a patented, portable lighting modification system that allows the location photographer/videographer the ability to quickly and easily duplicate studio lighting effects on location using their portable lights.

The break-down frames easily fold for storing and transporting. The frames quickly open, making it ready to use. The image provided by Matthews shows an optional gold lame reflector.

Light Control
By using the different materials, the photographer/cinematographer/videographer is able to quickly create contrasts, different light ratios, diffusion, or block the light

Surfaces Single Scrim, Diffuser, Solid Flag

Dimensions Each Frame: 4 x 4′ (1.2 x 1.2 m)

Kit in Case: 28 x 50″ (71cm x 1.27 m)

Kit Weight 20.6 lbs (9.4kg)


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